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Our Five Top Tips To Selecting The Best Running Trainer For You

11th August 2022

11th August 2022

By Shivraj Bassi

You may be thinking, “oh, I only jog once or twice a week, I don’t need a specialist running shoe” or “my normal day-to-day trainers are as good as anything.” Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.

With the past year of lockdowns, gym-closures and pretty drastic lifestyle changes, more and more of us are turning to exercise to get ourselves out the house, bring some routine back to our lives and get ourselves into shape. As our way of life has changed and more conventional workout routes have become difficult to access – aka, gyms have all shut down and our takeaways have stayed open – many people have found staying active and keeping ourselves in shape increasingly difficult.

As a result – many of us have taken up running, which is great! However, a lot of people have started this exercise regime without the proper equipment, and this is something we need to combat. Many of us are put off by the sheer choice and sometimes, price, of specialist running shoes – but selecting the perfect running shoe for you isn’t as daunting as you may initially think. Finding a good pair of running shoes that suits your foot is key to ensure proper support and optimum performance.

But, where do we start? What are the best trainers for running?

Tip One - Do your market research

Please, please, please, don’t just go online and pick a pretty shoe that is on offer. There are a few things you need to think about first.

When selecting the best trainers for running, there are some key points you need to consider.

  • Motion Control
  • Adequate Cushioning
  • Stability
  • Lightweight Styles
  • Trail Type

Tip Two - Consider the shape of your foot

Determining the shape of your foot is a great way to work out what kind of shoe you need. The shape of your foot actually has a huge influence on your running style, and for this reason, is a great way to make sure you’re properly equipped for a great run.

When talking about ‘foot type’, generally, we are referring to your in-step, which is the part of your foot between your ball and the ankle.

A great way to find out the shape of your foot is to look at your current shoes and see where your running shoes are most worn. There are three types of foot:

Flat Foot

    As the name suggests, this means that when your foot is on the ground, there is no gap between your in-step and the floor.

    If you have this kind of foot, the best running shoes for you will have lots of cushioning to take the impact of the ground.

    Neutral Foot

      A neutral foot means that you place equal weight across your foot, and your arches are a normal pronator.

      If you have a neutral foot, the best running shoes for you will have adequate cushioning, a great range of motion and be light weight.


        If you have a high-arched foot, it’s important to get properly fitted running shoes to mitigate the risk of strain or injury.

        The best running shoes for someone with a high arch will have lots of cushioning and support. This is needed to protect your feet and prevent out-ward rolling of the foot.

        Tip Three - Ask for specialist advice

        It’s important to remember that when asking friends, family and even shop assistants for advice – everyone’s feet are different. Whilst one suggestion may be perfect for your friend, this exact shoe could be your absolute worst nightmare.

        Ask for recommendations, don’t pick the first shoe you come across, and really make sure to weigh up your options before committing to a pair – as a good pair of running shoes could cost you a fair price.

        Now, you may be thinking – “This all sounds a bit complicated for my liking…” and yes, we agree, finding the perfect running shoe can be a bit of a minefield. But, as the old saying goes – nothing worth having comes easy. So, if you’re still on the fence, outlining the benefits might make this a bit easier for you…

        • Reduces your risk of injury
        • Improved performance
        • Cost-effective

         Tip Four - Think about your workout

        One key mistake people make is the belief that one shoe will be fitting for all of your workouts. This isn’t the case, and a great way to think about it is to compare a shoe you would choose for weightlifting, vs one for running.

        When weightlifting, the main feature you are looking for is a flat sole, with grip and some weight. Many opt for a classic Converse shoe for this reason – as they are incredibly flat, providing a great surface to hold your centre of gravity.

        On the flip side, with running shoes – you want to go for the complete opposite. Lightweight, cushioned and not tight fitting is the way to go here.

        Tip Five - Go up a shoe size

        Whilst this goes against pretty much everything you know about buying yourself a pair of shoes, the best running trainers give you a bit of leeway. When trying on the trainers, ensure the tip of your toe isn’t touching the top of the shoe – a great way to do this is by going up a size.

        This is because when running, your feet move around and you need to ensure there is enough room in the running trainer for this to happen.


        If you’re into your running – or any exercise for that matter, we think it’s a really good idea to make sure you’re properly equipped for the job. Investing in yourself is investing in your performance – so it’s a no brainer to us!

        Our Suggestions

        As a starting point, you could even take a quiz to discover the best running shoe for you. Another great idea for beginners is to get a Gait Analysis.

        Check out brands such as ASICS and Brooks to grab some inspiration and see what’s out there – but make sure you don’t buy anything online. Go in store, get size checked and make your decision from there. We’re sure you’ll see a positive change in your running performance.  Happy running!

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        The relationship between sex and workout performance is one that’s long been debated by scientists and fitness fanatics alike. It’s complicated and multifaceted, so answering the question of whether your sex life is affecting your training is difficult. That said, today we’re going to take a look at a variety of evidence, both academic and anecdotal, as well as several different scenarios and at least try to reduce some of the mystery around the subject. First, it helps to understand what’s actually happening to the body, both physically and psychologically, during both activities.   The Effects of Sex on the Body Sexual activity causes several changes to occur in the body:   Physical Changes That Occur During Sex During sexual activity and the lead up to it, the human body undergoes a process known as the sexual response cycle. This is the case for both males and females, though the cycle can be highly individual and may not be the same each time for each person. Describing the full sexual response cycle is beyond the scope of this article, however it consists of 4 phases: Desire Arousal Orgasm Resolution Factors such as elevated heart rate, increased blood flow and pressure and heightened muscle tension all come into play. If you’d like to read about the sexual response cycle in more detail, check out this great article from Cleveland Clinic.   Psychological Changes That Occur During Sex Several psychological changes occur both during and after sex. Most notable are the release of endorphins and oxytocin, which are associated with improved mood and a better sense of wellbeing. These are also responsible for reduced stress levels, which brings a multitude of additional benefits that are of particular interest to those of us participating in regular training and exercise. Cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress, is catabolic in high levels, meaning it can cause the breakdown of lean tissue. So, whilst it is unclear whether sex itself affects workout performance, the reduction in stress levels it may bring is definitely beneficial for preserving our results!   The Effects of Exercise and Training on the Body Exercise and training also cause the body to undergo a number of changes. These occur both during and after the physical activity. There are in fact a number of similarities in changes that happen during exercise and sex:   Physical Changes That Occur During Exercise The physical changes that happen in the body vary based on the type of exercise being undertaken, however, there are some that are common to exercise in general: Increased heart rate Increased blood flow, especially to the muscles Faster, deeper breathing due to additional oxygen needs Heightened activity within the circulatory, respiratory, musculoskeletal and endocrine systems A full summary of the changes that occur within these systems can be found here. More aerobically demanding exercise will, of course, place greater emphasis on the circulatory and respiratory systems as well as causing fat to be metabolised as an energy source. Resistance training, which often relies more heavily on the lactate and creatine phosphate energy systems, instead promotes greater muscular and endocrine (hormone) activity. Note the common physical changes between sex and exercise here, as they do crossover!   Psychological Changes That Occur During Exercise The psychological changes that occur during exercise are similar to those experienced during sexual activity and are mostly related to the release of endorphins and other ‘feelgood’ hormones. These help to regulate mood, and it is common knowledge that frequent exercise and leading an active, healthy lifestyle promotes a feeling of wellbeing.   Does Sex Affect Our Workouts? This is where things become complicated. Though extensive studies have been done on the subject, the results of these have varied massively. We must also take into account the experience of individuals, and this anecdotal evidence again has huge variance. Let’s look at both:   Sex and Training: What the Science Says Scientific studies on the relationship between sex and training are contradictory at best. There’s no denying the positive benefits of both activities, particularly from a psychological perspective, but as for the effect of sex on actual performance in the gym the results are inconclusive. A study, published in April 2021, by Kirecci, Albayrak and co. examined the effects of sexual activity of 50 men in the 24 hours prior to training on lower body strength. The study measured effects by having the men perform 3 separate squat sessions, each at the same time of day. Each of these sessions occurred after participating in or abstaining from sexual activity the night before. The men performed 5 sets of 5 repetitions of their maximum squat weight during these sessions and the difference in weight lifted was observed. The study concluded that ‘sexual intercourse within 24 hours before exercise [has a] detrimental effect on lower extremity muscle force, which suggests that restricting sexual activity before a short-term activity may be necessary.’ Aside from this study, most others found either no notable relationship between sex and athletic performance. A meta-analysis of 9 crossover studies, conducted by Zavorsky and Brooks and published on 16 September 2022, confirms this. The analysis concluded that ‘The results demonstrate that sexual activity within 30 min to 24 h before exercise does not appear to affect aerobic fitness, musculoskeletal endurance, or strength/power.’ This is perhaps more notable, because these studies incorporated different types of exercise and were not restricted purely to a strength/power based activity like squats.   Anecdotal Evidence: What About the Experiences of Real Gym Goers? The anecdotal evidence is, as expected, highly individualised. However, there tends to be a bias against the results of most studies, particularly in those participating in sports involving strength and aggression. For example, many fighters claim that they perform better when they abstain from sex in the days leading up to a contest. Similarly, bodybuilding forums are full of debate on this topic and many claim they note a significant decrease in motivation to train at maximum intensity after sexual activity. It has been hypothesised that this may be due to a downregulation in testosterone production after sex; during orgasm the mineral zinc is released in the body and this is also a precursor for natural testosterone production in the body and may, therefore, provide some reasoning as to the experience of many trainees.   Key Takeaways The relationship between sex and workout performance will always be a complicated one. The effects of one on the other in terms of physical fitness and, in particular, mental wellbeing, are clear, but when it comes to actual performance this appears to be highly individual. We’d advise doing what feels best for you but not worrying too much about it. Instead, prioritise your nutrition and make sure you’re fuelling your workouts properly. While you’re here, why not take a look at the Innermost range? We’re proud to be completely transparent about the ingredients in our products and we always ensure they’re of the highest quality. Check us out, and be sure to get in touch if you have any questions! Read more