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Health: Body, Mind, Interviews

Striving For Peak Performance? Treatments To Give You An Athletic Edge
Are you trying to shave a few seconds off your race time, deepen those yoga stretches, or hit a new personal best at the gym? Even with a solid training routine, it can sometimes feel like your full potential is just out of reach. That’s why we’ve partnered up with Urban, the UK’s leading home massage app, to find out the best three treatments that will push your athletic performance to the next level.  1. Deep tissue massage What does deep tissue massage do? The treatment that eases away knots to free up movement.  Did you know relieving muscle tension may be the key to improving your performance? Deep tissue massage uses kneading motions to release knots and stiffness across your body, leaving you with a greater range of motion. This helps you to reach higher, twist deeper and move more fluidly than before, making it ideal for avid golfers, rock climbers, tennis players and yogis alike.  You should expect a medium-firm pressure that gradually gets stronger, with the therapist using their elbows, fists, forearms and knuckles to break down tension deep in your muscles. Athletic edge: improves flexibility “Eva’s deep tissue massage certainly did the trick. Loosened my stiff muscles prior to a two-day golf tournament. Polite, efficient and informative, Eva was certainly a good choice of therapist.” Review for a 90-minute deep tissue massage with Eva K. Book a deep tissue massage  2. Sports massage All the benefits of a deep tissue massage, while targeting sport-specific aches and pains.  Lingering injuries can stop you from performing your best, but sometimes you’ve gotten so used to that familiar ache you don’t do anything about it. Sports massage is the perfect way to pinpoint and address any sports-related injuries, so you can recover faster and increase your capability. What does a sport massage do? Sports massage uses a variety of techniques with a firm pressure to re-oxygenate tired muscles and release built-up tension. Your therapist will also work with you to create a wider recovery plan and get those niggling injuries under control.  Whether you're dealing with a frozen shoulder, knee pain, shin splints, trapped nerves or general discomfort from exercise, a sports massage is the treatment for you. Athletic edge: speeds up recovery “Effective and targeted treatment for mid-marathon training strain. Tihamer’s knowledge and practical suggestions are a great help for me moving forward with my training.” Review for a 60-minute sports massage with Tihamer K. Book a sports massage 3. Relaxing massage A soothing massage, helping you to de-stress and refocus.  Research published in the National Institutes of Health shows that mental fatigue can reduce physical endurance by up to 20%. This means that poor mental health doesn’t just impact your wellbeing - it also hinders your athletic performance. A relaxing massage is designed to calm both your mind and body, helping to lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and promote a feeling of tranquility.  What happens at a relaxation massage? With gentle pressure and smooth, flowing strokes, this treatment offers a serene and restorative experience. Combine your massage with deep breathing, a playlist of your choice and scented candles for added relaxation.  Athletic edge: clears mental clutter  “As a highly competitive triathlete (Olympic - sub 2h30m, Half Ironman - c. 6 hours) massage is a crucial part of my training regime. Massages will greatly improve my recovery and give me that extra edge over my competitors. I have already seen improvements in my 100m swimming splits… I can’t wait for my next massage.” Review for a 60-minute relaxing massage. Book a relaxing massage Ready to reach your peak? Use code INNERMOSTBLOG10 for 10% off your first Urban treatment. Read more
Mushrooms: Overhyped or Undervalued?
You’ve probably seen mushrooms plastered all over Instagram by now, thrown into coffee, smoothies, and just about anything else. But let’s be real, are they actually worth the hype, or just another passing fad in the wellness world? Fair question. With terms like “superfood” thrown around like confetti, it’s hard to know what’s legit and what’s just marketing fluff. But here’s the thing: mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and now modern science is backing up a lot of what ancient cultures have been saying all along. Mushrooms in Popular Culture Mushrooms have become more than just a wellness ingredient — they’ve become a cultural phenomenon. From being plastered all over Instagram to making cameos in documentaries and even fine dining, these fungi are having a serious moment The rise of “functional mushrooms” in wellness circles can be attributed to their ability to support immunity, stress relief, and physical performance. And while they’re trending now, it’s important to remember that mushrooms have been a cornerstone in holistic health for centuries. With more people turning to natural, science-backed alternatives, mushrooms are making their mark as more than just a passing wellness trend. This new wave of mushroom interest shows no signs of slowing down. From health supplements to skincare, mushrooms have officially crossed over into the mainstream. A Glimpse Into the Past Mushrooms aren’t new. Long before they were the star of your favourite influencer’s morning brew, they were a cornerstone in ancient remedies. For example, in China, reishi was hailed as the “Mushroom of Immortality” for its ability to supposedly promote longevity and calm the mind. Meanwhile, chaga, used in Siberia, was brewed as a tea to boost immunity. Mushrooms have been doing the rounds in different cultures for millennia, which begs the question—why are we only now starting to appreciate them in the West? The Science-y Bit Mushrooms might have some fancy history behind them, but what does modern science say? Let’s hit some quick facts: Physical Performance: Ever heard of Cordyceps? These mushrooms were traditionally used by Tibetan herders to combat altitude sickness. Fast forward to today, and studies are showing cordyceps can help improve oxygen uptake during exercise, meaning you can push harder and go longer in your workouts. Immunity Boosting: Mushrooms like chaga and shiitake are loaded with beta-glucans. These are complex sugars that give your immune system a kick in the right direction by activating immune cells. Some pretty solid research backs this up, including a study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Stress Relief: Feeling a bit frazzled? Reishi is classed as an adaptogen, which means it helps your body manage stress. A study in 2012 found that reishi helped reduce fatigue and improve quality of life in people dealing with chronic stress. Bottom line: reishi is your go-to for a bit of Zen in this chaotic world. Recovery & Hydration: Heard of tremella? It’s also called the “beauty mushroom,” but it does a lot more than just help with skin. Tremella supports hydration and recovery by boosting your body’s production of hyaluronic acid, which helps with inflammation and overall recovery after a tough workout. Mushrooms in the Here and Now Look, some wellness trends come and go (remember the lemon water detoxes?), but mushrooms? They’re here to stay. Their benefits stretch across so many areas—immunity, stress relief, performance—that it’s no wonder science is getting behind them now. But let’s be clear: we didn’t jump on the mushroom hype just because it’s trendy. Back in 2017, we were the first in the UK to put mushrooms across a range of our products because we knew these fungi weren’t just a fad. The Wellness Blend Fast forward to now, and we’ve gone all-in with The Wellness Blend, our mushroom coffee. Yeah, regular coffee is great, but when you mix it with tremella, chaga, cordyceps, reishi, maitake, and shiitake mushrooms, you’re looking at a drink that’ll not only wake you up but help your mind and body perform at their peak. What makes The Wellness Blend unique. The fact that it contains ALL six functional mushrooms in one great product. It’s that simple. Overhyped or Still Undervalued? It’s easy to be skeptical of anything that gets too much hype, and you’d be right to question the wellness industry’s latest trends. But with mushrooms, I really think what we’re seeing now is the result of centuries of use being validated by science, not just another fleeting craze. These are ingredients that have been trusted for generations and are finally being recognized for their full potential. Are they undervalued? We think so. It’s great that they’re finally getting the recognition they deserve. Now it’s over to you to decide. Read more
Gut Health Tests
Let's talk about gut health tests – you know, those trendy kits that promise to analyze the bacteria in your gut and give you ALL the answers. Seems like everywhere you turn these days, someone's pushing them on you, asking you to mail off your poo for a pricey test. I teamed up with one of Innermost's resident nutritionists, Sophie Gastman, to dig into the truth behind these tests First things first, what are gut health tests? Essentially, they’re marketed as a way to assess the balance of bacteria in your gut. All you have to do is collect a stool sample, ship it off, and wait for your results to roll in. Companies who offer these tests will most likely offer to sell you a ‘'personalised’' probiotic or prebiotic based on your results, along with some ‘'personalised'’ (but what definitely looks like generic) dietary and lifestyle recommendations. It all sounds simple enough, but here's where things get murky. Sophie has been looking into the validity of these tests, and she’s a bit skeptical.  "HERE'S WHY" Accuracy: These tests only give you a snapshot of your gut microbiome at one point in time. Your gut bacteria can change in as little as 24 hours based on what you eat and how you live, so by the time you get your results, they might already be outdated. Plus, different methods to study the same samples can also give wildly different results. So, if you sent your sample off to two different companies, one might say you have a lot of one type of bacteria, while the other says it’s barely there. Lack of Evidence: Despite years of research, we're still in the dark about which gut microbes are linked to specific health outcomes. So, any test claiming to have all the answers is just too good to be true. For example, scientific studies suggest that knowing what’s in your gut might not actually help with understanding or treating diseases like IBS. Lack of Actionable Insights: Even if these tests could accurately assess your gut, the recommendations they provide are often based on shaky science. Plus, they're so complex that even the experts struggle to make sense of them. Lack of Knowledge: Let's face it, most of us aren't microbiologists. So when these tests dump a ton of complicated info in our laps, it's more likely to leave us scratching our heads than feeling empowered. To make matters worse, these tests can cost a lot of money. We think rather than blowing your hard-earned cash on a gut health test, why not focus on some tried-and-true strategies to support your gut? Cue Sophie with her top six tips to better gut health Diet: Fill your plate with a rainbow of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes to keep your gut happy. Aim for 30 plant points a week (a point for every new plant you eat) - this number seems to be the sweet spot for making the most difference to your gut health. Chill: Stress can wreak havoc on your gut, so find ways to unwind, whether it's through meditation, exercise, or just shooting the breeze with a friend. Hydrate: Keep the water flowing to keep things moving smoothly in your digestive system. Sleep: A good night's sleep does wonders for your gut, so aim for 7-9 hours of shut-eye each night. Ferment: Add some fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut to your diet for a boost of gut-friendly probiotics. Supplement: Innermost's The Digest Capsules contain prebiotics and probiotics to keep your gut bacteria thriving, along with digestive enzymes and ginger. Combine them with all the points mentioned above to help your gut bacteria thrive. So there you have it – supporting your gut health doesn't have to be complicated or break the bank. Just focus on the basics and make some small lifestyle tweaks, and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier gut for a fraction of the price, and without the need to mail your poo off to some complete stranger. Read more
The Real Deal on Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs)
Imagine a gadget that gives you real-time insights into how your body reacts to every meal, promising to boost your athletic performance and improve your eating habits. Sounds amazing, right? But is there enough scientific research to back these claims? I recently sat down with one of Innermost's resident nutritionists, Isabelle Spellissy, to cut through the hype and see what CGMs are really all about and what they’ve actually been proven to achieve.  "What Are CGMs?" Continuous Glucose Monitors track your blood sugar levels around the clock. They use a small sensor typically attached to your arm, and allow you to check your glucose levels on your phone. This tech provides info on how your glucose levels fluctuate based on what you eat, your exercise routines, stress, and sleep patterns.For diabetics, CGMs are a game-changer, helping them maintain their glucose levels within a target range and improving their health outcomes. But now, manufacturers are marketing CGMs to everyone, not just diabetics, with promises of optimising blood sugar for peak physical and mental performance. This trend, pushed by personalised nutrition companies, has sparked a surge in interest from non-diabetics who are eager to try them out. "The Promises of CGMs" For those without diabetes, CGMs are touted with several shiny benefits, all aimed at boosting health, wellness, and performance: Metabolic Health Monitoring: Get a grip on how food, exercise, and lifestyle choices impact your glucose levels. Nutritional Guidance: See how different foods affect you, helping you choose meals that keep your blood sugar stable. Stress and Sleep Insights: Understand how stress and sleep affect your glucose levels, helping you manage both better. Early Detection of Insulin Sensitivity Issues: Spot early signs of insulin resistance or prediabetes, giving you a chance to make changes before it’s too late. "The Reality Check" While CGMs sound amazing, there are some serious caveats: Cost: These devices aren’t cheap, and if you’re not diabetic, insurance probably won’t cover them. Lack of Clinical Guidelines: No clear or established guidelines exist for non-diabetics using CGMs, which can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. Psychological Impact: Constant monitoring can make you anxious and might lead to obsessive behaviors and excessive self-monitoring. Overemphasis on Glucose Levels: Fixating on glucose can distract from other important health factors like overall nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being. Potential for Misuse: Misreading the data can lead to unhealthy eating habits or extreme diets based on short-term glucose responses. Limited Proven Benefits: The clinical benefits of CGMs are still being studied, with research currently indicating that there isn’t enough evidence to support significant health benefits.  "What Can You Do?" Instead of parting with your hard earned cash and jumping on the CGM bandwagon, here are some proven alternative strategies to boost your health: Dietary Modifications: Eat whole, nutrient-rich foods. Balance your meals with carbs, proteins, and fats to maintain steady energy levels. Meal Routine and Portion Control: Stick to a meal schedule and watch your portion sizes to avoid energy crashes. Keep Tracking: Use a food journal or app to track what you eat and how it affects you. This can help to make informed choices about your food intake and adjust as needed. Regular Exercise: Mix in cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to improve your fitness and mood. Gut Health: Eat fiber-rich and fermented foods to support your gut. Consider prebiotics and probiotics for an extra boost. Feel free to check out The Digest Capsules. Hydration: Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration is essential for overall health, energy levels, cognitive function, and athletic performance. We’ve got something coming soon that could help with that. Watch this space. By focusing on these holistic lifestyle changes, you can enhance your diet, performance, gut health, mood, and stress levels without needing a CGM. To wrap it up, the buzz around CGMs for non-diabetics is growing, and we might see more benefits and guidelines with further research. But for now, if you’re living a healthy lifestyle, you probably don’t need one of these gadgets. Some people are excited about their potential, but it’s best to approach CGMs cautiously and consult healthcare professionals to make sure you’re using them safely and effectively. Stay smart and keep it simple. References: Beck, R. W., Riddlesworth, T., Ruedy, K., Ahmann, A., Haller, S., Kruger, D. F., ... & Bergenstal, R. M. (2017). Continuous glucose monitoring versus usual care in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving multiple daily insulin injections: a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine, 167(6), 365-374. Basu, A., Dube, S., & Basu, R. (2019). Continuous glucose monitoring: a powerful tool for the non-diabetic population. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 16(11), 903-913. Pettus, J. H., Edelman, S. V., & Price, D. A. (2020). How Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Use Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data and Make Insulin Dosing Decisions. Endocrine Practice, 26(6), 625-630. Read more
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