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How To Deal With Brain Fog

23rd March 2023

23rd March 2023

By Vikki Rich

Do you find yourself struggling to get the right words?  You might be juggling a busy schedule and need to think quickly and on the spot. Instead of thinking clearly, it feels like you’ve stuck your head in a cloud. There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re living in slow-mo, or even on pause. The great joys of brain fog, it’s super common and incredibly frustrating. You might find that you are struggling at work, or even to keep your personal relationships up as you tackle your inner struggles.

If this all sounds familiar, you're in the right place. Today, we’re here to talk about feeling foggy and how you can manage brain fog. So pop a couple of The Focus Capsules and get ready to clear that head...

What is brain fog?

Brain fog is such a throw-around term, that isn’t actually a medical diagnosis. It comes from the brain fog symptoms that describe the feeling of being mentally fuzzy, having a lack of concentration, and becoming increasingly forgetful. The term brain fog can quite literally cover any cognitive trouble. Ever since the breakout of covid, there has been an increase in people experiencing some level of brain fog. It is thought that around 69% of people that caught COVID-19 have experienced brain fog since. Perhaps you have noticed that you have felt like your struggling to think, almost like you’re stuck in syrup and getting nowhere fast, you might be experiencing brain fog too!

What causes brain fog?

If you think you’ve been tackling this pesky brain fog, you might be wondering what on earth is causing it. Perhaps you’ve recently had COVID-19 or, your partner has taken up the whole bed and deprived you of your much-needed deep sleep. There isn’t just one cause of brain fog that can be solved straight away. You didn’t think it would be an easy fix, did you? There is a huge range of things that can lead to you feeling completely dazed and full of fog. Underlying conditions can be a root cause of brain fog, such as diabetes, anaemia, and depression. However, there are lots of day-to-day causes such as lack of sleep, anxiety, stress, and long covid.

Brain fog causes can also be from lifestyle choices, such as your diet, your weight, and if you smoke or not. Anything unhealthy, as you can imagine, causes a negative impact on your cognitive performance.

How to get rid of brain fog

Just like the many causes of the symptoms, there are many different ways to clear brain fog. If you are noticing that you are feeling more stressed recently, perhaps you’ve just moved house or work is being particularly challenging. Take the time to sit down and write everything you could be stressing about down so you know where to tackle. You can make a plan to improve these areas in your life in any way you can to relieve some of the stress.

Another way to combat stress and ultimately brain fog, is to take 5-10 minutes out of your day to try some light meditation. If you've not done this before and are not sure where to start, there are some incredible apps that can help get you going. The calm app helps to reduce stress and anxiety and, improves focus. Everything you need to battle your brain fog, why not try it out?

You could be struggling to sleep. This can be a big factor in why you are feeling particularly foggy and out of it. You can improve your sleep by cutting out any caffeinated drinks before 12 in the afternoon, and if you are an avid scroller before bed, try turning off your phone an hour before you go to sleep, so you can reduce the blue light stimulation from your screen.

Inflammation is a process that can cause a range of underlying illnesses. This can ultimately be the cause of brain fog. By reducing your inflammation, you can lower your risk of developing conditions such as diabetes. To do this, try and regulate your blood sugar. This is done by keeping a healthy balanced diet, making sure you are eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. If you struggle to add these to your diet, try The Focus Capsules which boost your cognitive performance and help to increase your focus and concentration. They are filled with nootropics and adaptogens which aim to enhance your brain health and reduce your mental and physical stress.

Challenge your brain

Just like your body needs exercise, your brain does too, and by challenging it daily you can improve your memory and help improve your concentration. Giving your powerhouse a challenge now and again helps to keep you on form. Why not set yourself some goals, whether that’s reading a challenging book before bed, or playing a bit of wordle on your lunch break?

It’s important to know that you are not alone in feeling a bit foggy. There are many people who experience the same symptoms and tackle the same day-to-day struggles. Don’t be afraid to talk to people about your symptoms so you don’t feel alone. As long as you’re keeping yourself well rested, nutritionally rich, hydrated, and mentally active you should start to feel much clearer and defogged. Of course, if you are still experiencing these symptoms you may need to visit your GP to check for anything more serious.

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