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The Lean Protein
Whey protein powder for weight-loss.
The Energy Booster
Pre/intra-workout powder with BCAAs.
The Glow Booster
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At Innermost, we believe that a holistic approach to physical and mental wellbeing is the path to living a more inspired life. We empower people to think, feel and perform their best, whoever and wherever they are on their journey. We encourage everyone to embrace their individuality and realise the greatest versions of themselves. Be bold. Be bright. Be different.

Innermost Partners With Charity The Akshaya Patra Foundation
Learning To Relax And Unwind With Georgia Mitchell
We sat down with Innermost Insider Georgia Mitchell, who gave us the lowdown on all things relaxation. How she makes sure to prioritise time to relax, her favourite ways to unwind, and her tips on what to do when burnout seems to be lurking on the horizon. Hey Georgia! Could you introduce yourself to our readers? Hi, I’m Georgia or @georgiafayefitness on Instagram. I love all things fitness, health & wellness. Eight weeks ago I moved to the other side of the world and I now live in Australia! Although this is such a big jump, I honestly couldn’t be happier. Im still working as a Pilates & Yoga instructor and I believe my life’s purpose is to teach and share happiness with others. How did you become an Innermost Insider and what’s your goal as an ambassador for the brand? I became an Innermost insider back in February 2021! This was around the time I won an Innermost instagram competition. After receiving a selection of their products I was hooked. I love that the supplements have such great additional ingredients and taste amazing. I love being an Innermost ambassador and being part of such a lovely community. My goal is to share with my followers the constant education of health and wellness that Innermost shares. View this post on Instagram A post shared by georgia║health & happiness ❋ (@georgiafayefitness) Our topic of the month is relaxation. How do you wind down and relax after a busy day? Things I typically enjoy doing to wind down would be a slow yoga practice, meditation, reading or a walk with a podcast. I also never underestimate how relaxing and refreshing a shower and self-care session can be. I love to wash my hair, put on a face mask, paint my nails and maybe put on a little fake tan. Do you think stress plays a part in your ability to relax? Absolutely! But if we don’t have the time to relax, the stress in our lives will only build up. My best tips to be able to give yourself the time to switch off would be to schedule it in! Put aside an hour either in the morning or evening for you to relax. Make this non-negotiable - if it’s been planned into your day it will stop the guilt and guarantee a time period to destress. What do you think the risks are of not relaxing or de-stressing on our minds and bodies? If we are in a constant state of stress we cannot possibly be living our life to the fullest and therefore unable to reach our goals. Relaxation is also a time to be still, reflect and reset. Stopping to look at what we have already achieved, to be proud and destress, ready to restart. Are there times when you struggle to relax? Definitely all days and weeks are different. Work may be playing on my mind or I might be overtired therefore leading to stress build up. View this post on Instagram A post shared by georgia║health & happiness ❋ (@georgiafayefitness) Do you any advice for others who struggle to relax or have burn out? As I said earlier definitely schedule it into your day. But also having a range of things you enjoy doing that are relaxing. Sometimes my mind is too loud to meditate or I’m too tired to do yoga, therefore a walk and a podcast that day may suit me better. I also try not to go on any electronic devices during my relax time. Sometimes social media can become a big distraction and lead you on a journey of endless scrolling that won’t leave you feeling refreshed. What Innermost product(s) have you been loving recently? My all time favourite will always have to be The Health Protein in Vanilla. It’s the best plant based protein I’ve tried and works well in both shakes or my protein pancakes! Georgia, it’s been a pleasure chatting to you! Our final question is ... What’s your innermost desire that you’re hoping comes true this year? Thank you for interviewing me! To be honest I must say I’m currently feeling so so grateful for my new life in Australia, I feel so lucky. I hope to continue on a path of self-discovery and that I’m able to share happiness with as many people as I can along the way. That's a wrap! To keep up with Georgia, follow her on Instagram,  @georgiafayefitness. Read more
The Best Ways to Fuel Your Workout
Finding Your Energy, Within and Beyond, With Mila Castro Larocca
We sat down with wellness fanatic and Innermost Insider Mila Castro Larocca, who gave us the lowdown on all things energy: how she finds hers within, the help she gets from her daily routine, and the role nutrition plays in staying energised. Read to the end to find out which Innermost products keep her on track! Hey Mila! Could you introduce yourself to our readers? Hola! My name is Milagros, and I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina but I have been lucky enough to be living, experiencing, and understanding an extensive range of cultures and countries around the world. I have now been based in Denmark for 6.5 years (and yup, still can’t get use to the cold weather) working in the sustainable fashion business, raising the bar for how the industry works and focusing on clothes made responsibly, transparently, and that stand for a greater purpose. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Milagros Castro Larocca (@milacastrolarocca) How did you become an Innermost Insider and what’s your goal as an ambassador for the brand? I got introduced to the brand by a colleague and fell in love with it all, the colours, natural (and few) ingredients, simplicity and no bullshit approach. My goal as an Ambassador is to always keep it real while promoting a healthy lifestyle where you start with your inner self. In a SoMe era where everyone is constantly needing attention and validation I’m more concerned about making others feel good about themselves rather than making them feel good about me. I truly believe that if you get your inside right, the outside will always fall into place and that’s the energy I want to spread. Our topic this month is energy. Where do you find your daily energy and motivation?  Energy is absolutely everything in my life! Generating, protecting and spreading it. My number one energy-charger is my sleep. If I don’t get my 7-8 hours of sleep, I’d not only be very low in energy but also not have the best beginning of the day. Mornings are KEY for me; they're where I build my energy for the rest of the day - starting very early and quietly, not touching my phone for 30 min/1h, short meditation or breath work, breakfast and work out before biking to work. By 9 o’clock I’ve already spent 3 hours by and for myself and that’s what allows me to be the best version of myself. Being the ‘reason’ someone feels welcome, seen, heard, valued, loved & supported is my biggest motivation. How do you get energised for your workouts? I work out mostly early in the morning since by the afternoon my energy starts dropping. I can’t start an early morning workout with an empty stomach so a banana or vegan yoghurt with some fruit it’s always my best energy booster. I’ve always being skeptical about pre-workouts since I already have lots of energy and don’t even like coffee, nor the feeling of it. But since I started with some cardio classes after work, I really needed that energy boost (and a banana was not enough lol) so I gave Innermost's The Energy Booster a try and there’s no going back. I don’t get heart palpitations, or that anxious feeling, but just the perfect push to get that last cardio session done before ending my day. How does nutrition play a part in energising your life? I know I said energy was everything in my life but… nutrition also is! I was raised almost as a vegetarian. My mom cooked only vegetarian but we were free to eat whatever we wanted when we were out of my house (in a country where being a vegetarian was seen as close to a disease!) until I became a full vegetarian over 10 years ago. I’m very conscious of what I put inside my body but I moved away from striving for perfection since I also want a life where I can live it! Food is not only nutrition but also joy, memories and much more. Eating plant-based, avoiding added sugars, mostly organic and less processed as possible, has a very positive impact not only on my body energy levels but also in my mind. Are there certain times of the day/month/year where you struggle with energy? This would have been a more difficult one to answer if I didn’t live in a Nordic country but the answer is WINTER. Living in Denmark also means very short days and the lack of sunlight can affect your energy more than what you can imagine, trust me.  Do you find yourself lacking energy? If so when and how do you overcome this? People can be one of my biggest energizers but also my biggest energy drainers.  It can be very difficult to maintain your energy the way you want it to be when someone is trying to draw you into the storm. You hear them, you feel them but at the same time you let the tension be theirs and you let your peace be yours. Protecting my energy is what I’m working on the most and I can already recommend it ;) What advice would you give to others struggling to find energy in their everyday lives? I would recommend you to start by looking into whether you are struggling finding energy or if you are actually having energy leaks without even noticing. Sleep, nutrition and exercise is very important to generate that energy, yes! But if you don’t protect that energy, people or/and situations can (and will) drain it. Give it a try: Focus on your actions and not ‘others’ Learn to say no and allow yourself to pull back when you need to Set & respect your boundaries Pause before you respond Invest in those who invest in you Trust your instinct View this post on Instagram A post shared by Milagros Castro Larocca (@milacastrolarocca) What Innermost product(s) have you been loving recently?  I’m loving The Detox Booster! I take it everyday with hot water and creamy oat milk after lunch. Feels like a natural and effective cleanse while tasting great. The Digest Capsules have been a miracle! I’ve only been taking them for a week and can already feel the difference in my bloating after the first capsule. I seriously can’t wait to try all the other ranges! Mila, it’s been a pleasure chatting to you! Our final question is ... What’s your innermost desire that you’re hoping comes true this year? Mhmmm… I’m definitely a dreamer and desire lots of things for our Planet, the people in it and also myself but since there are only 3 months left from this year I would just like to be grateful instead; for everything I have learned, changed and achieved but most importantly, for everyone I have by my side and everything I am. That's a wrap! To keep up with Mila and her energy, follow her on Instagram, @milacastrolarocca. Read more
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The Importance of Discovery With Roxanne McKee
We sat down with actress and fitness fanatic Roxanne McKee, who gave us the lowdown on all things discovery. Her important moments of discovery, what it means to her, and how to always keep discovering more in life. Hey Roxanne! Can you introduce yourself to our readers? Hi! Yes, my name is Roxanne McKee and I’m an actress and sport and nutrition enthusiast. How did you become an Innermost Insider and what’s your goal as an ambassador for the brand? I found Innermost at a cycling event I was at, and I thought the product was delicious. I’m very conscious about what I put in my body because I suffer from acne so I try to maintain a very balanced diet, while also feeling myself with all the nutrients I need to be on the go all the time. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Roxanne Mckee (@roxanne_mckee) Our topic this month is discovery. Discovery is an abstract concept that’s open to interpretation. So how would you personally define discovery? I suppose I feel discovery for me is learning to be the best version of my myself both mentally and physically. It’s an ongoing process, and while at times it’s challenging, it’s certainly worth it. I have discovered my passion for nutrition and functional medicine in the last few years, and as a result started doing a course in nutrition. I’m discovering more each day, and it’s keeping me stimulated. What have you discovered along your health and fitness journey? I have discovered just how lucky I am to have had acne! It was the acne that made me aware of just how important it is to maintain a healthy diet, and how we really can change how we feel through nourishing ourselves. I’ve also discovered my love for nature through trail running. And how a quick dip in the sea, a lake, a cold shower gives you a happy buzz to start your day. Is there a time you have struggled on your journey of self-discovery and what’s your advice for someone struggling themselves? Advice to anyone struggling would be, just take baby steps, focus on your happiness, and your own goals nobody else’s. Little by little you will get there, it’s about consistency. And I believe in you! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Roxanne Mckee (@roxanne_mckee) What are your 3 most important lessons about self-discovery? Three most important lessons about self discovery are; Everyone’s journey is unique and personal. Consistency is key Be open to new ideas. What Innermost product(s) have you been loving recently? I love, love, love The Lean Protein, and The Health Protein (even though I’m not vegan) but I’m a big mushroom fan - I could talk for days about nutritional funghi! But I won’t bore you… Roxanne, it’s been a pleasure chatting to you! Our final question is ... What’s your innermost desire that you’re hoping comes true this year? I hope I pass all my fitness and nutrition exams! That's a wrap! To keep up with Roxanne, follow her on Instagram, @roxanne_mckee. Read more
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