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  • Courses
  • Better Sleep Email Course

    30th May 2020

    30th May 2020

    By Innermost


    Because sleep has a huge impact on so many aspects of our lives. 

    Welcome to our email course on How to Get Better Sleep. Sign up below to get started. 

    This email course is guest-edited by Dr Irshaad Ebrahim MBChB MRCPsych, consultant neuropsychiatrist and medical director of The London Sleep Centre. Over 5 daily emails, we’ll present the fundamentals on the science of sleep, why it matters, how to get better sleep, and how sleep can affect your quality of life. 

    Topics covered:

    Day 1. Introduction to sleep cycles and stages of sleep.
    Day 2. The relationship between nutrition and sleep.
    Day 3. The relationship between stress and sleep.
    Day 4. Sleep hygiene, and how to achieve good quality sleep.
    Day 5. Summary of the key points.

    This email course contains a series of emails, 800-1200 words in length, of understandable insights and practical advice, based on science and research, and edited by an expert in the field. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we've enjoyed putting it together.

    By signing up you’ll also join the Innermost community and will receive the occasional email that we think you'll find useful. You'll also receive a code that you can use for your first purchase. After signing up below, please check your junk folder if you don’t get an email within a few minutes and be sure to and add us to your safe sender list.

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