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Insider Q&A | What Does It Mean to be Strong?

12th January 2024

12th January 2024

By Hannah Belsham

We spoke to our Innermost ambassadors about what strong means to them. In this exclusive Q&A, they share their perspectives on strength, extending beyond physical strength to encompass mental resilience and self-belief. 

As we step further into the New Year, take inspiration from the ambassadors' resolutions - consistency, enjoyment of the process, and self-compassion. Find what you love, start where you are, and embrace the transformative power of strength.

Before we get started, let's meet the ambassadors, Sade, Hercules, and Dina:


"My name is Chade, i discovered yoga at 15, instantly fell in love. It became a vital part of me, helping me discover aspects of myself I never knew existed. In 2018, completed 200hr teacher training with TeganBYoga to deepen my connection and share the practice. Alongside my full time job i also teach morning classes at Hot Pod Yoga, the perfect way to start my day." 

Instagram: @chademoore_


"My name is Hercules Nicolaou. I am an entrepreneur, wellness coach and advocate of daily discomfort. I'm 1/3 of 'High Performers Club' where I spend my time helping people to reach their goals by helping them get comfortable being uncomfortable. In my free time you'll likely find me on a long run with a heavy backpack on somewhere in London!"

Instagram: @5mirky


"My name is Dina and I am 26 years old and I'm an ultra runner. I love working out it has become such a big part of my life, in the last 3 years I have done 3 ultramarathons and 2 marathons and I look forward to doing so much more in the future."

Instagram: @runwithdins

Defining Strength, what does strong mean to you?


To me, strong means not only being physically strong, I think physical strength empowers you to realise your capabilities. Strong is being really connected to your mind, body and self.

I think we often undermine how capable we are. So I think when you can strengthen your mind and strengthen your self-belief, you will really see the full capabilities of what being a strong human being is. I think strength definitely goes beyond the physical and it encompasses mind, body and everything else.


I think strength isn't just the number of weight that we move in the gym or a certain time it takes to run a distance. For me, I think strength is not just about what we do on the outside, but also how we feel on the inside when we do these things.

I think being able to find strength in our struggle is a really important aspect of life as well. More often than not in our hard times and within our discomfort, whether that be exercise or something in our career, that's where we find the most growth. So trying to stay strong within the struggle.


How I see strength is that you need to be able to overcome challenges that are thrown at you. For example, I love running ultramarathons and there's a lot of moments while running that I have to push myself beyond my limits. I think you need strength in those situations in order to overcome anything in life.

It can be your mental strength, physical strength. Once you put those together, you become such a strong person. I think if you can overcome what's thrown at your mind, you can overcome anything in life. And that's one of the main attributes that I've been working on, just making my mind stronger as ever.

How Does Fitness Empower You?:


With strength training, I think you have to be consistent to start seeing the results in your physical strength and I think consistency is such an important trait to learn. I think when you can feel empowered to keep showing up, that is when you are going to reach the best version of yourself and I think that is something that everyone should try to achieve.


I think strength training has empowered me to have the confidence not just inside the gym but also outside the gym. knowing if I'm training for an event, for a run, or even just the way that I hold myself in aspects, whether it be social or in my career,  getting a hard workout done and strengthening my body just leaves me feeling a little bit stronger than I was the day before. I think that makes over into every other part of our life.


Strength training has empowered me mentally and physically. Strengthening my mind and body has helped me so much when running ultras because a lot of the time I'm outside for hours, 20 hours and above, so working on my strength in the gym has allowed me to overcome a lot of things in life, not only in the gym, but also in my personal life as well.


What's Your Favourite Strength Exercise?


I think the plank because when you are holding a plank, it's up to you to stay in it. When your mind is telling you to stop you have to think, no, I'm staying in this and I think that's one of those moments when you feel your own strength. 


I think my favourite exercise would have to be the squat, mainly because it is the most uncomfortable and horrible exercise. Not only are you strengthening most of your body and your legs and your core, you're also strengthening your mind and you're becoming more resilient in the exercises that you don't want to do.


For me, it's RDL's. So with RDL's, you have to really like work on your core and embrace your core during the exercise. And it took me months to get a good form whilst doing RDL's.


What's Your New Year's Resolution and What Advice Would You Give For Getting Strong?


My New Year's resolution is be consistent but at the same time stop being so hard on myself. I think we are our own worst enemies in putting pressure on ourselves. So I want to be consistent, but in a way that makes me show up to my training. 

For those starting their fitness journey this year, I would say find what you love and what makes you want to get out of bed. You don't have to do anything else that you're seeing other people do just because maybe that makes them look or feel a certain way. Find what works for you and remember to do you.


My New Year's resolution is definitely to enjoy the process more. Stop being so fixated on the goal or the target or the event, but to enjoy the training building up to that.

My number one piece of advice for everyone who wants to start their fitness journey would just be to start where you are. It doesn't matter if you haven't got experience yet. Don't compare your page one to someone else's page 20. Just start exactly where you are, small steps and eventually you'll build up momentum.


My New Year's resolution is to not be so hard on myself. I've done quite a lot in my life and I feel like I need to be grateful with the journey that I've gone through.

My advice to anyone is just stop, because a lot of people are scared to just take the leap. Once you start, you'll get the hang of things and just keep going. Don't focus on anything else by yourself.

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Other Insights

Strength Training 101 Webinar
You may have heard that we recently held a Strength Training 101 webinar. Within this webinar, we talked all things strength training, from its benefits to how to get started with weight training. One thing we touched heavily upon were some common strength training myths and why you should stop believing them. If you missed our webinar and would like to catch up, check out the video below. But if you're short of time, read on for a run down of some of the most common strength training misconceptions.  What Is Strength Training? Strength training, also called resistance or weight training, is a type of exercise that aims to make your muscles stronger and improve endurance. It typically involves using weights or resistance to achieve this. The main purpose of strength training is to improve your muscles' ability to produce force. This leads to increased muscle mass, better tone, and improved overall fitness. When you use external resistance like weights or resistance bands, it causes tension in your muscle fibres and microscopic tears. During the recovery phase, your body starts repairing these tears by creating new proteins and muscle fibres, which is what makes your muscles stronger. 4 Common Strength Training Myths: The buzz around strength training doesn’t come without common misconceptions and myths, and I’m sure you have heard many reasons as to why it might hinder your health or just not be of benefit to you.  1. Strength training can make women bulky This myth is  so prevalent within society but seems to be slowly decreasing. Actually, a balanced strength training program with a good diet gives you a lean and toned physique. Numerous studies have shown that genetic and hormonal differences between ourselves and our male counterparts, such as testosterone levels, make gaining large amounts of muscle a greater challenge for women. Studies have also shown that strength training in women tends to lead to an increase in lean body mass, which is associated with improved metabolism and fat loss and contributes to a toned and athletic appearance rather than bulkiness. 2. Cardio is better for fat loss Strength training actually plays a significant role in shedding fat by boosting metabolism and promoting lean muscle mass. A 2019 study by the Institute of Sports Sciences found that muscle is more active than fat -  a pound of muscle can burn anywhere from 10 to 20 calories a day, while a pound of fat burns only 2 to 5 calories a day. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Sports Science also shows that your metabolic rate is increased for up to 72 hours after strength-training exercise. This means that you’re still burning additional calories hours and even days after your workout. Not to mention, combining strength training with cardio creates a more exciting and enjoyable fitness routine than just doing cardio alone. 3. Strength training isn't for older people: It's commonly believed that strength training can injure older people, but research suggests strength training is actually a great activity for older adults. Research shows that after the age of 30, adults can lose 3-5% of muscle mass per decade, so strength training helps to combat this age-related muscle loss. It also helps to maintain bone density, improve joint health, and enhances overall functional fitness. So strength training could actually help prevent age-related injury and promote a higher quality of life as we age.  4. Strength training is time consuming: Lots of people think strength training takes up a lot of time but you can actually achieve effective strength training in short, focused workouts, even 30 to 45 minute workouts can yield significant results. In fact, according to the British Medical Journal, a period of between 30 to 60 minutes of strength training per week is all you need to reap the benefits of strength training. As cliché as it sounds, it's very much quality and consistency over quantity.  In terms of needing a gym, strength training can be a very versatile practice that you can do anywhere, living room, local park, or even the garden. The main key is completing more bodyweight exercises, and adding things like resistance bands. Benefits of Strength Training Now that we've unpacked some truths about strength training, we want to turn our attention to the science behind the holistic benefits that strength training provides. 1.Mental health: Regarding our mental health, current research suggests regular strength training sessions reduce symptoms of both anxiety and depression regardless of age or health status. One way this occurs is through the release of hormones called endorphins which act as a natural mood enhancer and stress reliever, and are part of the reason why when you exercise you feel a little buzz. Our mood can also be improved by the feeling of accomplishment you get when you complete your strength-goals- like upping your squat by a few kg, holding a new yoga pose or just pushing yourself to do a few more reps.On top of this, a systematic review that studied 754 adults showed a significant link between strength training and positive body image, including body satisfaction, appearance, and social anxiety around how you look. 2. Cognitive benefits: A lesser known benefit of strength training is improved cognitive function and neuroprotective effects. Those who engage in strength training may have better brain health and protection against age-related cognitive decline. This is because strength training improves blood flow, reduces inflammation, and increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is basically what’s linked to memory and learning. Multiple studies have also pointed to other significant cognitive improvements after participating in strength training, like processing speed, memory, and executive function. Executive function is like the CEO of your brain—it's the boss that helps you plan, organise, manage your emotions and get stuff done. It's what makes sure you remember to grab your keys before leaving the house, helps you follow a recipe, and stick to a schedule without procrastinating or binge-watching TV. 3. Physical strength: It may seem like stating the obvious, but it’s an equally important benefit, and that’s your physical strength. As Shiv talked about earlier, as you progressively challenge your muscles with resistance, they get better at generating force by bringing in more muscle fibres after those microscopic tears. This allows you to lift heavier weights and perform more challenging exercises. This doesn't only mean the benefit is you can squat more or deadlift more, but also translates to completing more mundane tasks more easily like bringing the shopping in or climbing the stairs at work.  Strength training improves posture and reduces lower back pain by enhancing the strength and endurance of core muscles. When the muscles supporting the spine and lower back are strengthened through exercises like squats and deadlifts, they provide better support and stability. This, in turn, helps maintain a more upright posture and reduces the strain on the lower back, which alleviates that pain and improves your spine health. 4. Metabolic and chronic diseases: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), strength training has been associated with a 20-30% reduction in the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and arthritis.  This is because it’s been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, so your body is able to regulate your blood sugar levels more effectively. It’s been linked to improvements in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also improves joint function and overall mobility.  5. Better sleep: Engaging in regular physical activity, including strength training, has been shown in research to improve sleep quality and duration. That research shows that 60% of people who weight train get an average of 7 hours or more of sleep per night. The exertion during workouts, coupled with the positive impact on stress levels, promotes more restful and rejuvenating sleep.   In summary, there are numerous myths surrounding strength training and if you're ever confused about anything you hear about it, you should do some research before disregarding weight training entirely, or simply get in touch on our website for some quick advice. Beyond physical benefits, strength training has many benefits for your overall health, from improving cognitive function to reducing the risk of chronic diseases, strength training enhances overall well-being. Embrace the power of short, focused workouts and discover the joy of achieving strength goals. Strengthen your body, elevate your mood, and foster a healthier, more fulfilling life through the enduring practice of strength training. Read more
8 Strength Training Myths You Need to Stop Believing
Let's debunk the myths surrounding strength training and pave the way for a more inclusive and informed approach. From dispelling fears of bulking up to challenging the notion that strength supplements offer a shortcut, we unravel the truths that empower individuals to embrace the transformative benefits of building strength. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer, understanding the reality behind these myths is the key to unlocking the full potential of strength training. It's time to break free from stereotypes, embrace the versatility of strength exercises, and step into a healthier and stronger lifestyle. 8 Strength Training Myths You Need to Stop Believing  1. Bulking Up: One common misconception about strength training is the fear of "bulking up." In reality, a well-rounded strength training program, when combined with a balanced diet, contributes to a lean and toned physique. Women, in particular, don't need to worry about becoming 'bulky' or overly muscular, as hormonal differences make it challenging to achieve a bulky appearance without specific training and nutrition protocols. 2. Strength Supplements Are a Shortcut:While strength supplements can be beneficial, they are not a shortcut to success. Many people believe that these supplements alone can replace a well-rounded diet and consistent training. The truth is, supplements are meant to complement a solid foundation of nutritious food and proper exercise. It's essential to prioritise a healthy lifestyle over relying solely on shortcuts. 3. Cardio Is Superior for Fat Loss:One prevalent myth is that cardiovascular exercise is the only effective way to lose fat, and strength training is only for building muscle. In reality, strength training can play a significant role in fat loss by increasing metabolic rate and promoting the development of lean muscle mass [1]. Combining both strength training and cardiovascular exercise creates a well-rounded fitness routine that maximises fat loss and overall health [2]. 4. Strength Training Is Only for the Young People: Some believe that strength training is exclusively for younger people and that older individuals should avoid it due to the risk of injury. However, strength training is particularly beneficial for older adults. It helps maintain bone density, improves joint health, and enhances overall functional fitness, promoting independence and a higher quality of life as individuals age [3] [4]. 5. You Can Spot-Reduce Fat:Many people believe that performing specific exercises targeting a particular body part will result in localised fat reduction. Unfortunately, spot reduction is a myth. Fat loss occurs systematically across the entire body through a combination of a calorie deficit and regular exercise [5]. While strength training can tone and define specific muscle groups, it does not selectively eliminate fat from those areas.6. Heavy Weights Bulk, Light Weights Tone:Another common misconception is that lifting heavy weights will lead to bulking up, while lifting lighter weights with higher repetitions will result in a toned physique. The reality is that both approaches have their place in a well-rounded strength training program. The key is to adjust the training variables, such as volume and intensity, based on individual goals, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach. 7. Strength Training Is Time-Consuming:Some people shy away from strength training because they believe it requires long, gruelling sessions in the gym. In truth, effective strength training can be achieved in relatively short periods. High-intensity, focused workouts that target key muscle groups can yield significant results in as little as 30 to 45 minutes. Quality and consistency are more important than quantity when it comes to strength training. 8. You Need a Gym to Strength Train: Let's set the record straight. You don't need a gym membership to embark on a powerful strength training journey. Effective strength training is not tethered to fancy equipment or elaborate setups, it's a versatile practice that can unfold anywhere – your living room, a local park, or even the garden. Bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, and creative use of everyday items are your tools to sculpting strength without the need for a gym. To Weigh it Up: By busting these common myths, we pave the way for a more inclusive and informed approach to strength training. Ultimately, it's an accessible practice that benefits individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Embrace the diversity of strength training exercises, tailor your approach to your specific goals, and enjoy the numerous physical and mental rewards that come with building strength. Remember, knowledge is power, and understanding the truth about strength training is the first step toward a healthier and stronger you.     [1] https://pure.bond.edu.au/ws/portalfiles/portal/36134364/AM_The_effect_of_exercise_interventions_on_resting_metabolic_rate.pdf[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34957791/[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6279907/[4] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0269215515610039)[5] https://www.termedia.pl/A-proposed-model-to-test-the-hypothesis-of-exerciseinduced-localized-fat-reduction-spot-reduction-including-a-systematic-review-with-meta-analysis,129,45538,0,1.html Read more