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How To Feel Energised First Thing In The Morning

5th October 2022

5th October 2022

By Adele Webb

Your set alarm chimes loudly. Once again you must awaken from your cosy slumber, sigh. Mornings are not for everyone, especially with the reduced daylight hours that the colder months bring. They are bitter, bleak, and lack the cheery brightness of summer. Sometimes a night’s sleep is never enough – good sleep is hard to find and therefore in return we wish we could be like Sleeping Beauty and sleep for a hundred years.

Yet, unfortunately, we all must take ourselves away from our dreamy fantasy and force ourselves to get ready for the day. Mornings don’t have to be this way, and if you want to start your day in the right way, we have some useful morning routine ideas that you can start implementing to ensure this becomes a reality. What’s more, it means you will be refreshed and ready to embark on a productive day and get the most out of daily life. However, it’s not all about the actions as someone’s mindset can also have an impact. This is where our Focus Capsules come in, a powerful tablet that boosts cognitive performance whilst improving mental capability. Let’s skip and hop into our top hacks… 

Switch Up Your Alarm Habits

This first one is a common mistake that most make. We have all been there – delaying our morning alarm by 5, 10, or even 15 minutes and repeatedly hitting snooze so we can just get that extra bit of shuteye. However, this does more damage than good, and interestingly, an average sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. Leaving your alarm next to your bed not only leads to fragmented and low-quality sleep, but also leaves you with less time to get ready in the morning provoking stress, and nobody needs more of this. Instead, try putting your alarm on the other side of the room so you physically have to get yourself up to switch it off, waking yourself up in the process.

The alarm hacks keep on coming, and this second hack will help wake you up with a smile on your face. Alarms can be irritating. We all know the ones, with a constant repetitive scale that never stops. To enable a happier wake-up call, switch up your alarm with your favourite tune, or even set the radio to play for variation. Waking up in the mornings will become easier, and you never know, may even make you look forward to the morning’s arrival (it’s not so hard to believe).

Make Your Bed

This may seem like a small (and possibly insignificant) task but rolling out of bed and tidying it before you embark on your day can provoke a sense of accomplishment. A ‘yes we have our life together’ feeling – the ‘we have made our bed so we can take on anything that the day throws at us’ approach. Ensuring order from the offset will lead to success for the rest of the day. What’s more, surely, it’s better to go back to a freshly made bed after a long day of work. We think so.

Drink Water First Thing

We know a good cup of coffee can be inviting first thing in the morning to give us that energy kick. However, before you reach for your much-loved coffee beans, we suggest gulping down a good amount of water first. Whilst you sleep, your body can lose a lot of fluid, not to mention a dry mouth – do we have any snorers here? Dehydration can make you feel sluggish, so rehydrating can make you feel more alert in the mornings. For an extra boost, try upping your water intake throughout the day, or if you can’t handle this, opt for other non-caffeinated beverages. Fluid is your friend.

The Shower Trick

Another great option to help you wake up in the morning is to switch up your hot shower to a cold one. Now, we know everyone has their preferences, some of you may even find time to take a soothing bath in the morning, but this will only make you more sleepy (trust us). Taking the plunge and bracing the cold waterfall may seem like a daunting (maybe impossible) task, but there are known scientific evidence to support our madness. Cold water wakes up the body’s cells by spiking blood pressure, heart rate, and metabolism. If this wasn’t enough, icy water also has anti-depressive abilities so you can transform your mood in the morning too.

If this is your worst nightmare - we can’t all be superhuman, and are therefore questioning how to wake yourself up, then instead just splash your face with cold water – this should be enough to awaken your senses without a full-on shock.

Eat A Healthy Breakfast

The idea of eating first thing in the morning may make a few of you feel queasy. Breakfast isn’t for everyone, we know this, but eating a healthy, protein-rich bowl of goodness or even a small snack will give you a boost of energy. During your sleep, your body has been deprived of food for a long period of time, so the best way to kickstart your system is to feed it. Mornings can be busy, and if you need some inspiration, we have outlined the best quick and easy breakfast ideas to help you along the way. High protein breakfasts are a winner, opt for eggs, meat, seafood, beans, and even seafood, and say no to carbs like cereals and bread. It may be oh so easy to reach for a box of Rice Krispies, but the best thing to eat in the morning for energy is fresh produce instead of processed goods – think about all that sugar.

Exercise In The Morning

Exercise in the morning is usually at the bottom of anyone’s list but getting in the steps after you wake up is the best way to get energy in the morning. Keep in mind that the exercise routine doesn’t have to be vigorous, and in fact activities like tai chi or yoga can be the perfect wake up alternative. Exercise is a natural energy booster as it produces oxygen-rich blood sugars through your body to your heart, muscles, and brain, and will also loosen stiff muscles. Maybe spend a spare twenty minutes stretching out on a yoga mat or partaking in a gentle walk. Exercising outdoors can also wake you up quicker than inside due to the cold, fresh air. So, switch off the telly and put down your phone, and instead, lace up your dusty trainers and get moving.

Plan Ahead  

Our last hack is something you can do the night before, and that is to plan ahead! Sounds simple enough, but many of us struggle to keep an organised schedule. Writing a to-do-list before you go to sleep will ensure you keep order when you wake up and make you feel more prepped for the day. 

Intelligent Change, the creators of the beloved Five Minute Journal explain the science:

“Despite a variety of digital tools and never-ending tips on how to hack productivity and get things done, staying on track with our tasks and commitments can sometimes be challenging. It’s easy to forget how simple the solutions can be. Enter: the To-Do List. Our brains release dopamine when we cross of an item on our to-do list, meaning they have the power to influence our brain chemistry, helping us feel calmer, more focused, and more efficient. Once you write down your tasks in a visual way, a certain motivating tension builds up and drives you until the completion of the tasks - even if you’re not continuously working on completing the list.”

So, it doesn’t need to be a full detailed plan outlining every waking activity but can map out major tasks or things you want to accomplish. It could be things like writing down what you are going to eat, or what clothes you are going to wear, or even small tasks like popping to the shop or seeing your friends. Taking that weight off your shoulders will make a huge difference to how you feel in the mornings. A messy schedule equals a messy life, lists are the solution. 


Some of you may love mornings and jump out of bed with a spring in your step. And some of you may reluctantly drag yourselves out of bed with a sombre expression, bed head and all. Whichever your approach, there are improved ways to ensure your energy levels are switched to the max. You don’t have to make a complete transformation but can use our hacks above to start small. Say goodbye to your old sluggish ways and hello to your new energising morning routine. Wake up and smell success.

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