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5 Ways To Improve Your Workspace (And Productivity)

7th September 2021

7th September 2021

By Beth Shelper

Wondering how to make your workspace more productive? Not sure how to create a productive workspace? When it comes to your office (home office or otherwise), creating a productive workspace is absolutely key. After all, studies have shown that your environment has a huge impact on your productivity levels, with a study published by The African Symposium stating that a productive workspace and good communication at work significantly affected employees productivity, mental health and morale in a positive manner. Not only this, but employees stated that this directly correlated to their motivation to stay and grow within a company.

What makes a productive workspace, you ask? Here’s 5 features that will help you achieve your productivity goals, in a space that works for you. From tips as small as decluttering your desk to maximising your workspace, we’ve got the guide for you.

How to improve your work environment

Let’s face it, there are a multitude of ways to jazz up your home office, workspace or otherwise. But if you want to make a real impact, put down the cheesy, corporate motivational quotes for a second and think about implementing one (or all) of our tips below. We assure you they’ll create that productive workspace you’ve been yearning for.

  • Create space (and lots of it)

It’s time to get your Feng Shui on.

Perhaps the worst thing you can do is set up your workspace somewhere cramped, dull, and messy. Make sure that you are maximising your space as much as possible by staying organised and being smart with your furniture choices. This leads us pretty well onto our next point, actually.

  • Keep it clean

A productive workspace is a clean workspace. A tidy space means a tidy mind, after all.

This doesn’t mean that in order to have a productive workspace your office must be completely dull, plain and clinical. Nope.

Just make sure that yesterday’s snack packets aren’t hanging around, you’re emptying the bins regularly, filing your paperwork properly and tidying up those cables. Oh, and don’t forget to take those 34 empty matcha green tea mugs back to the kitchen at some point.

If you’re lucky enough to work in a shared workspace you can share the load (or maybe you’ve even got a weekly cleaner). For those of you who perhaps work at home, or don’t have those luxuries, a great habit to get into is to set aside 5 minutes at the start of your day or 5 minutes at the end to tidy away the clutter and create a tidy workspace. Because if you’re wondering how to improve your work environment, staying clean and tidy is absolutely text book.

  • Add colour (and coloured lighting)

There’s nothing worse than clinical lighting. Try and ensure that your workspace is colourful, bright and engaging. One way to do this is to grab as much natural light as possible, but if this isn’t easy, try adding the colour orange, otherwise known as the colour of creativity.

If orange isn’t your thing, yellow accessories and lighting are the way to go. This colour is commonly used in chromotherapy and referred to as ‘the depression killer’ for it’s mood boosting properties.

It’s time to decorate!

  • Crank up the tunes

Now, the music situation in the office (especially a shared office) can get quite controversial. Not only is noise level hugely important, but type of noise is even more paramount. One colleague may love your club night dance tunes on a Monday morning, but another may be secretly cursing you from across the desk.

If you can’t establish a blanket playlist of choice, we really recommend classical music to boost your productivity levels. Not only does classical music create a relaxing environment, a study published by the Psychology of Music Journal has proven the direct correlation between music in the workplace and good mood, productivity and enhanced learning ability.  Music has been proven to improve athletic performance, too. Can’t argue with that.

If you can’t get onboard with classical, another firm favourite here at Innermost is a classic Lo-Fi beat playlist to get you through the day. And if you and your colleagues really can’t get on board with each other’s choices, a great back-up is a good old-fashioned pair of headphones. Noise cancelling, if possible.

  • Double up and accessorise

If you’re not using a double (or triple) screen set up, you really are missing out. If you’re still just using your laptop, it’s time to accessorise.

Hook up some external monitors, get yourself a laptop stand, separate keyboard and separate mouse. Not only will your posture improve (exponentially) but your productivity will, too. It’s time to stop switching between tabs 24/7 and streamline your work process. Productive workspace here you come.


  • Ajala, E. M. (2012). The influence of workplace environment on workers’ welfare, performance and productivity. The African Symposium. Click here.
  • Lesiuk, T. (2005). The effect of music listening on work performance. Psychology of music, 33(2), 173-191. Click here.

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