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How To Avoid Freshers' Flu: The One-Stop Survival Guide

13th October 2021

13th October 2021

By Beth Shelper

Recently headed off to university? Congratulations! Before you crack on with that preliminary reading, we've got some advice you just might like to hear. 

Gone out for a few too many drinks this week? Feeling like that Saturday (or Sunday, or Monday) night hangover just isn't shifting? Ah. Looks like a classic case of the freshers' flu. 

Looking for tips on how to avoid freshers' flu? Maybe you want to discover how long Freshers' Flu lasts, and how to get rid? First, you need The Detox Booster. Second, you need to read the below guide.  Here's how to kick the annual dreaded freshers' flu to the kerb.

What is freshers' flu and why is freshers' flu a thing?

Don't worry, it's not actually the flu. Freshers' flu is the nickname that UK students have awarded to that awful, October-time illness that comes around when all the new (and returning) university students flock to their uni campuses for the annual start of the new educational year. So, around about now. 

How do you get freshers' flu 

It's pretty simple, really. It's generally a mix of lots of students and staff coming together, from a mix of destinations, potentially all over the world. This, paired with a total change of routine, increase in stress, poor diet of beans on toast and pot noodles (don't worry, we've all been there), and of course, going out way too much. 

Symptoms of freshers' flu 

Think you might be suffering from a bad case of the freshers' flu? Let's take a look at the symptoms.

Disclaimer: it's nothing to worry about, and will clear with time, rest and rehydration, and it's all part of adjusting to your new environment. So, yeah... totally normal.

Panic over.

You can go back to worrying about how to find your next lecture hall.

  • A sore throat
  • A blocked or runny nose
  • Cough
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Headaches
  • A fever 
  • Nausea 
  • Generally feeling 'low' 

If you're feeling like you're experiencing any of the above, it's really important that you're putting extra time and effort into looking after yourself. It's stressful enough moving to a new place and starting a new life, or getting back to your old university routine after the summer break, so cut yourself some slack.

Not to sound like your parents, but get some rest, up your nutrients and ensure you're getting all of those vitamins in. Oh, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Try not to worry about it. As rubbish as it is, this bout of freshers' flu will pass. And you're not suffering alone. Just listen to the roars of coughing during your next 9am lecture, and you'll know that much is true. At the end of the day, Freshers' Flu is similar to the common cold, so just make sure you're following a proper wellness strategy and keeping yourself healthy and happy. 

How to avoid freshers' flu 

In truth, there isn't really a sure-fire way to avoid it. Aside from becoming a recluse and hiding away from the world, it's better to just accept the reality that you may just get slightly sick.

If you're really struggling, though, try a few of these remedies to ease the pain just a little bit, and set you in good stead for the rest of the year...


Want to know how to avoid freshers' flu? Try not to get too caught up in the hype and remember to get in your rest days, recuperate, make an effort to get in some exercise and stick to that meal plan. If anything, it gives you an excuse to use those student recipe books your relative gave you as a leaving present.

Whilst, as we said, freshers' flu is pretty unavoidable and just a part of university life, you can take some precautions to lessen and soften the blow of the illness. Stay safe, have fun and stay healthy! 

Good luck out there, Innermosters! Good luck with your studies, from everyone here at Innermost HQ. 

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