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Try Face Yoga For Firm, Toned Skin

18th December 2020

18th December 2020

By Shivraj Bassi

We’re old hands at yoga at this point. Your cousin is a qualified yoga teacher, your yoga mat sees the light of day far more frequently than your vacuum does and perhaps you can even do a headstand. But have you ever heard of face yoga?

The logic that if you work out your body you should work out your face is a solid one. Yoga for your face feels great, is free and makes your skin look better near-instantly - what’s not to love?

Face yoga exercises consist of gentle movements and massage techniques which work the muscles in your face and stimulate the skin. Although results increase over time, your skin will look more refreshed, plump and supple than it did beforehand, just like when you feel loose and relaxed after a firm back massage.

With 43 muscles in your face, facial yoga helps to release tension, firm skin and increase blood flow. In a study from 2018, a group of women aged 40-65 did half an hour of face yoga every day for eight weeks, followed by every second day for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, a panel of dermatologists judged them to look around three years younger than they did before. 

Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash

You don’t need to commit a whole half an hour out of your day to face yoga exercises, but a few minutes in the morning and evening could make the world of difference to how you look and feel

How to do face yoga

As always when practising yoga, focusing on your breath ensures maximum results. But before we start breathing, it’s time to slather on the moisturiser. 

Not only does a well-hydrated face make it easier for your fingers to slide effortlessly over your face, it keeps your facial skin supple while stretching and also helps your usual skincare products to penetrate a little deeper than usual, as they’re really worked into your skin. 

We recommend applying a serum, a moisturiser, an eye cream and an oil for maximum results, before starting your warm up. Once you’ve gently massaged in your products as you usually would, stretch your head and neck forward and back to loosen the muscles, then begin tapping your face with medium pressure from the neck to the forehead, covering your entire face with little finger pats. 


This face yoga exercises helps to minimise forehead wrinkles and to remove tension. Make a fist with both hands and place them knuckles down on your forehead. Applying firm pressure, slide your fists to the side until you reach the beginning of your hairline. Repeat two to four times. 

Eleven lines

The area around your eyes can hold a lot of tension, and this facial yoga helps that to dissipate. Place your first two fingers where your eyebrows begin near your nose, then spread your fingers slightly to pull the skin taut. While breathing out, slowly begin to frown. You should be able to feel your muscles working underneath your fingers. 

Crow’s feet

If you’re concerned about the fine lines around your eyes, this exercise could help. Place your first two fingers at your temples, just above your eyebrows, and pull upwards firmly. You should be able to feel the stretch in your face. Without moving your forehead, squint for around five seconds, then relax. Repeat three to five times.

Laugh lines

This facial yoga move might make you feel like Edvard Munch’s The Scream, but won’t it be worth it to give your face the workout it deserves? Perhaps wait until you’re alone in your bathroom with no-one to judge you for this exercise. 

Place both palms on the temples of your face and pull upwards firmly. Making an O shape with your mouth, stretch your face long, making sure to keep your upper lip pressed firmly against your teeth. Hold for five seconds, relax, then repeat again two times. Make sure not to tense your shoulder.

Neck and jawline

Anyone who’s ever woken up following a night of bad dreams and felt their jaw ache from grinding their teeth knows that the jaw can be the repository for a lot of tension. Your neck holds your head up every day, as well as being strained from constantly bending over a phone screen, so it’s time to give it some love. 

Turn your chin to the right, holding it upwards at a 45 degree angle. Once you’re in position, pucker your lips as though you were about to bestow a kiss, hold for five seconds then relax. Repeat three to five times, then repeat on the opposite side.

For a more massage-focused face yoga exercise, make a peace sign with the first two fingers of your right hand, then bend your knuckles to a 45 degree angle. Bring your hand to your chin and position your fingers so that each knuckle is on the opposite side of your jaw bone on the left hand side of your face. Gently but firmly push the knuckles down your jaw until you come to your ear. You should be able to feel the tension draining away. Repeat two to three times, then do the same on the other side of your face. 

To finish

Using the fingertips on both hands, gently but firmly tap all over your face from forehead to neck. This helps to relax all of your facial muscles and will make your skin glowy and refreshed

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The Real Deal on Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs)
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"The Reality Check" While CGMs sound amazing, there are some serious caveats: Cost: These devices aren’t cheap, and if you’re not diabetic, insurance probably won’t cover them. Lack of Clinical Guidelines: No clear or established guidelines exist for non-diabetics using CGMs, which can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. Psychological Impact: Constant monitoring can make you anxious and might lead to obsessive behaviors and excessive self-monitoring. Overemphasis on Glucose Levels: Fixating on glucose can distract from other important health factors like overall nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being. Potential for Misuse: Misreading the data can lead to unhealthy eating habits or extreme diets based on short-term glucose responses. Limited Proven Benefits: The clinical benefits of CGMs are still being studied, with research currently indicating that there isn’t enough evidence to support significant health benefits.  "What Can You Do?" Instead of parting with your hard earned cash and jumping on the CGM bandwagon, here are some proven alternative strategies to boost your health: Dietary Modifications: Eat whole, nutrient-rich foods. Balance your meals with carbs, proteins, and fats to maintain steady energy levels. Meal Routine and Portion Control: Stick to a meal schedule and watch your portion sizes to avoid energy crashes. Keep Tracking: Use a food journal or app to track what you eat and how it affects you. This can help to make informed choices about your food intake and adjust as needed. Regular Exercise: Mix in cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to improve your fitness and mood. Gut Health: Eat fiber-rich and fermented foods to support your gut. Consider prebiotics and probiotics for an extra boost. Feel free to check out The Digest Capsules. Hydration: Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration is essential for overall health, energy levels, cognitive function, and athletic performance. We’ve got something coming soon that could help with that. Watch this space. By focusing on these holistic lifestyle changes, you can enhance your diet, performance, gut health, mood, and stress levels without needing a CGM. To wrap it up, the buzz around CGMs for non-diabetics is growing, and we might see more benefits and guidelines with further research. But for now, if you’re living a healthy lifestyle, you probably don’t need one of these gadgets. Some people are excited about their potential, but it’s best to approach CGMs cautiously and consult healthcare professionals to make sure you’re using them safely and effectively. Stay smart and keep it simple. References: Beck, R. W., Riddlesworth, T., Ruedy, K., Ahmann, A., Haller, S., Kruger, D. F., ... & Bergenstal, R. M. (2017). Continuous glucose monitoring versus usual care in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving multiple daily insulin injections: a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine, 167(6), 365-374. Basu, A., Dube, S., & Basu, R. (2019). Continuous glucose monitoring: a powerful tool for the non-diabetic population. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 16(11), 903-913. Pettus, J. H., Edelman, S. V., & Price, D. A. (2020). How Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Use Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data and Make Insulin Dosing Decisions. Endocrine Practice, 26(6), 625-630. Read more