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Managing Menopause With Nutrition

16th December 2022

16th December 2022

By Adele Webb

Menopause – ugh. Just the pure mention of the word can make many mature women curl their toes and crinkle their noses. Unfortunately, there comes a time in a woman’s life when this dreaded change must come to fruition. However, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel, and for those who are beginning to embark on this unavoidable transition, or maybe have even suffered with it for a while, there are easy tips and tricks one can implement within their daily life to ensure menopause stays at a minimal discomfort. Here at Innermost, we not only produce some fantastic food supplements to regulate hormone imbalance like The Recover Capsules, but also want to shed a light by explaining how nutrition and menopause can go hand in hand with one another. We all love food, right? But first, let’s delve deep into what menopause actually is…it’s better to know the signs we can assure you.

What is menopause?

To put it simply, menopause is the time that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and this usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 50, although in some this may arise earlier still. The reproductive cycle begins to slow down as a woman ages and prepares to stop – something that has been on a continuous cycle since puberty. As menopause approaches, the hormone called estragon that your ovaries produce becomes less frequent, and with this begins the period alteration. First, most women will experience irregular monthly bleeding, which will eventually peter out to a stop.

Before the real deal, many will experience perimenopause – the traditional timeframe into menopause, and this on average can last from 4 to 8 years, with some lucky ones only experiencing it for a month! To differentiate between the two – perimenopause is when a lady experiences symptoms alongside a period, with the latter meaning symptoms without a period. Once 12 consecutive months have passed by without any bleeding, this is when you know the pesky full transition has occurred and will last for the rest of your adult life (ah).

The most difficult part of this change is the subtle and not-so-subtle symptoms, but bear in mind that you may only experience a few of these:

  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Night sweats
  • Hot flushes
  • Sleep problems – discover our blog on how to improve sleep to help with this
  • Memory issues
  • Heart palpitations
  • Weight gain
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Poor bone density
  • Anxiety
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Skin changes

This may seem like a long list (we know) but there are lifestyle alterations that can be implemented to ease troublesome symptoms, and an important one is managing these with nutrition – being careful with what you put into your body is key.

Nutrition vs. menopause

With or without menopause, and no matter your gender, nutrition has and will always greatly impact your body’s functionality and parts. It is always important to keep up with a healthy diet and gain all the necessary nutrients to take on everyday life, which extends to menopause. We are aware that some of you may be questioning what the best diet for menopause is, and we can help you with this. Switching up your diet whilst you are experiencing the change is a must – ensure you are fuelling your body with enough vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, electrolytes, etc, as this will give it a better fighting chance as well as supporting your digestion, gut health, organs, muscle mass, and bone strength. In addition to this, as weight gain is one of the symptoms, it will help keep this in check too. A win-win situation all around. The following pointers are a great place to start when altering what you put into your body.

  1. Consume fruit and vegetables

As a rule of thumb, ensure your plate is as colourful as it can be, and that means grabbing all those beneficial fruit and veggies (even the ones you may dislike). We know this may stifle a groan but the more colour in your diet, the more minerals, and vitamins you will consume which will greatly benefit you in the long run. So, drop that chocolate bar and fill your boots with broccoli, sprouts, and carrots – yum!

  1. Consume more lean proteins

Protein is one of your best companions when it comes down to improving your symptoms and we suggest focusing on lean meats like fish, eggs, and chicken – try free-range or organic If possible. Protein will improve muscle mass and aid in digestion, as well as keeping you fuller for longer. If you are opting for a vegan diet and are on the scout for the best sources of vegan protein, then pulses are a great alternative.

  1. Focus on foods that contain phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that mimic estragon, making them a fantastic choice to combat the estragon deficiency caused by menopause. Start introducing soya, lentils, flaxseeds, chickpeas, oats, and wholegrains into your meals which in return will help keep you in check and balance those annoying imbalanced hormones.

  1. Get enough calcium

Calcium is essential for keeping bones and teeth healthy, as well as nerve and muscle function. In a worst-case scenario, a calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis which is a condition that causes bones to thin. Ladies who are going through their change are particularly vulnerable to this, so it is important to drink enough milk, indulge in that cheese (Ok maybe not too much), and even consume other non-dairy foods like leafy greens. Or opt for non-dairy alternatives like plant-based milk.

  1. Did someone say omega 3

To help maintain a healthy heart, keep joints flexible, and maintain youthful-looking skin – take to foods that contain omega 3. This good fat nutrient may stir people away, but don’t let the scare of fats deter you as it is a great aid alongside menopause. Fish may not be to everyone’s liking (sorry), but buying oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and herring are the favourited foods. Flaxseeds can be a replacement for those who can’t seem to consume the fishy subjects.

  1. Eat more nuts, seeds, and legumes

Eating seeds and nuts such as almonds and sunflower seeds, as well as helpful legumes like lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, peanuts, and peas, can help prevent the dryness of the skin that occurs during the alteration and can also have an impact on hormone levels due to being filled with nutrients like zinc, calcium, and vitamin E – perfect!

Foods to avoid during menopause

With the Ying comes the Yang which means whilst there are plenty of healthy food groups to delight in that can be of benefit, there are also alternatives that will in the end do you more harm than good. So, grab those colourful, natural groceries and avoid the following food cravings:

  • Processed foods – like crisps, cookies you name it. These are usually high in sodium and loaded with sugar, it is definitely best to avoid these.
  • Spicy foods – this one may seem odd but consuming hot foods can actually trigger hot flushes and sweats and anyone with menopause can agree they don’t need more of that!

  • Fast foods – it may be oh so convenient to pop to your local fast food restaurant, but these quick meals can serve up a huge amount of fat and this will do you no good.
  • Alcohol – to help with menopause symptoms, keep your alcohol consumption to a moderate amount as drinking well over this can aggravate annoyances further.

  • Caffeine – like alcohol, it is best to limit or completely stop your caffeine intake. In a caffeine and menopause study, it was discovered that women who consumed caffeine whilst going through menopause suffered from hot flushes more than women who consumed none at all.


Life is inevitable, and we cannot avoid the natural processes that are meant to occur within our lifetime. Women age, and with that comes the alteration into menopause. It can be a difficult time to endure, but there are ways to combat this pesky change. Lifestyle factors play an important role in this and keeping up a healthy diet whilst consuming all the necessary vitamins and minerals is a must. In the long run, this will help to manage the onset of symptoms and keep your body fit and healthy. Please keep in mind that no woman has to suffer with this in silence, so please reach out to your friends and family for support. Or even gain guidance from the NHS and speak to a healthcare professional that can help nurture you along your way. After all, life is for living - don’t let the troublesome menopause take control.

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Top 5 Benefits of Mushroom Coffee | Meet The Wellness Blend
Introducing The Wellness Blend, a revolutionary mushroom-infused coffee blend designed to elevate your daily coffee ritual. This unique concoction combines premium Arabica coffee with a carefully curated selection of adaptogenic mushrooms, creating a powerful blend that not only boosts energy but also enhances overall wellbeing. Why do you need mushroom coffee?  In today's fast-paced world, prioritising optimal health can be challenging. But don’t worry, mushroom coffee is here to help with this. With its unique blend of six adaptogenic mushrooms, chaga, reishi, maitake, shiitake, cordyceps and tremella, The Wellness Blend offers a huge range of health benefits. From immune support and stress reduction to improved cognitive function and athletic performance, mushroom coffee provides a holistic approach to wellness. What makes The Wellness Blend different is its unique ability to provide sustained sustained energy without the typical coffee crash. Thanks to the adaptogenic properties of mushrooms, The Wellness Blend not only provides an energy boost but also helps the body adapt to stress, promoting a more balanced and sustained energy throughout the day. So, whether you need a morning coffee boost or an afternoon pick-me-up, The Wellness Blend can make for a healthier, more practical alternative to your daily coffee. The benefits of using mushroom coffee blends: 1. Immune Support: Chaga and reishi, two mushrooms in our blend, are the dynamic duo behind fortifying your immune system. Chaga mushrooms boost the immune system by activating immune cells. They stimulate antibody production and exhibit anti-inflammatory effects, enhancing the body's ability to defend against invaders. Reishi enhances the immune system. Its bioactive compounds, such as beta-glucans and triterpenes, modulate immune responses, promoting defense against pathogens.  2. Stress Reduction: Reishi takes the spotlight when it comes to promoting relaxation and stress reduction. Packed with bioactive compounds such as beta-glucans and triterpenes, reishi has been prized for centuries for its adaptogenic properties. By integrating reishi into your routine, The Wellness Blend provides a natural remedy to navigate the demands of modern life, helping you find your balance and calm amidst the chaos. 3. Skin Care Tremella works to support cognitive function. Known for its natural moisture-retaining properties, Tremella contributes to skin health and hydration. It also contains bioactive compounds believed to support the immune system and beneficially impact cognitive health. By including tremella in The Wellness Blend, we've crafted a unique elixir that not only supports better skin but also nurtures brain health. 4. Heart Health: Cordyceps, a mushroom known for its incredible health benefits, takes centre stage in promoting cardiovascular health. This mushroom has been renowned for centuries in Eastern medicine for its ability to enhance stamina, endurance, and energy levels. By incorporating Cordyceps into The Wellness Blend, we've harnessed its power to not only improve athletic performance but also to support your cardiovascular system, ensuring your heart stays strong and resilient.  5. Gut Health: Certain mushroom varieties, like lion's mane, have been linked to improved gut health, potentially aiding digestion and promoting a healthy microbiome. Benefits of The Wellness Blend: The Wellness Blend offers a myriad of benefits. Chaga and Reishi bolster immune function, Cordyceps enhances athletic performance, while Lion's Mane supports cognitive function. Additionally, the adaptogenic properties of these mushrooms help the body adapt to stress, promoting overall resilience and well-being.Chaga mushrooms are renowned for their immune-boosting properties. Rich in antioxidants, Chaga helps strengthen the body's defense mechanisms, protecting against infections and illnesses. Reishi, often referred to as the "Mushroom of Immortality," is prized for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Its adaptogenic properties help the body cope with physical and mental stressors, supporting overall well-being.Cordyceps is another key ingredient in the Wellness Blend, known for its performance-enhancing benefits. This mushroom has long been used in traditional medicine to improve stamina and endurance, making it a popular choice among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. By increasing oxygen utilization and energy production, Cordyceps helps boost athletic performance and recovery. How much mushroom blend do you need? The optimal amount of mushroom blend in your coffee depends on personal preference and the specific blend you choose. Mushroom coffee products often come with recommended serving sizes, ensuring you get the right balance of coffee and mushroom goodness. Experimenting with different ratios can help you find the perfect mix that suits your taste buds and health goals. How can you get started with mushroom coffee? Ready to experience the benefits of mushroom coffee for yourself? Head to our product page and discover the Wellness Blend today. With its convenient powder form, it's never been easier to incorporate mushroom coffee into your daily routine. Elevate your coffee experience and embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle with The Wellness Blend. Read more
What are the Benefits of Electrolytes?
Electrolytes are naturally occurring minerals play a vital role in keeping your body functioning at its best. Whether you're an athlete, a health enthusiast, or simply curious about how to stay hydrated and balanced, understanding electrolytes is essential. What are electrolytes? Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that regulate various bodilyfunctions, including nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and maintaining proper fluid balance. You may have heard of electrolytes being found in sports drinks, but you may be wondering what foods are high in electrolytes, what their benefits are and how you can maintain your electrolytes naturally. So, what are the key electrolytes you should be familiar with? Types of electrolytes and where you can find them: 1. Sodium: Sodium is essential for regulating blood pressure and ensuringproper muscle and nerve function. It's commonly associated with table salt but can be found in many foods. 2. Potassium: This electrolyte plays a pivotal role in muscle contractions,heart rhythm, and fluid balance. You'll find it in bananas, oranges, andother fruits and vegetables. 3. Calcium: While famous for its role in building strong bones, calcium alsohelps with blood clotting, muscle function, and nerve signals. Dairyproducts like milk and yogurt are excellent sources. 4. Magnesium: Magnesium is vital for muscle and nerve function, as well askeeping your heartbeat steady. It's found in foods like nuts, seeds, and leafy greens. 4. Chloride: Chloride works with sodium to maintain proper fluid balance inand out of your cells. It's often consumed in the form of table salt. The Benefits of Electrolytes: Electrolytes play a vital role in the proper functioning of your nervous system and muscles, in addition to maintaining your body's internal balance by supporting hydration and regulating internal pH levels. So, let's breakdown why maintaining our bodies levels of electrolytes is just so key. Hydration: Electrolytes play a central role in maintaining your body's fluidbalance, helping you stay hydrated. Proper hydration is key to peakphysical performance and overall well-being. Muscle Function: These minerals are essential for muscle contractions.Adequate electrolyte levels prevent muscle cramps and promote smooth,controlled movements.  Nerve Signals: Electrolytes are crucial for nerve impulses, ensuring thatyour brain can communicate with the rest of your body effectively. Theykeep your reflexes sharp and your thoughts lightning-fast. Heart Health: Maintaining the right balance of electrolytes is vital for ahealthy heart rhythm. It keeps your ticker beating steadily and consistently. Bone Health: Some electrolytes, like calcium, are essential for strong bonesand teeth. A diet rich in calcium helps prevent bone-related issues. Blood Pressure Regulation: Electrolytes like sodium and potassium are keyplayers in blood pressure control. An appropriate balance is crucial forcardiovascular health. Why is it important to have a balance of electrolytes? Electrolytes are performance enhancers that can make a significant difference in physical and mental well-being. They may boost athletic performance by ensuring that your muscles and nerves function at their best, providing the stamina and coordination needed for exercise. Additionally, they help maintain optimal hydration levels and regulate the internal pH, which is essential for overall health. However, an electrolyte imbalance can have detrimental effects. It can lead to muscle cramps, decreased energy, and impaired cognitive function, ultimately hindering performance and potentially causing more severe health issues. Striking the right balance of electrolytes is crucial for maintaining peakperformance and overall well-being.Electrolytes are the unsung champions of your body's inner workings, ensuring everything runs smoothly. So, the next time you reach for a snack, consider the electrolyte-rich options that keep you feeling your best and performing at your peak. The Fit Protein The Fit Protein is a great choice for restoring your hydration after a tough workout. It delivers the benefits of powdered coconut water and elevates the body’s potassium levels, a vital electrolyte which is depleted through exercise-induced sweating. This potassium boost combats fatigue and restores your energy levels, allowing you to feel great for the rest of your day! Alongside this electrolyte, The Fit Protein contains magnesium, which helps with the restoration of minerals, including potassium and calcium, and serves as an excellent solution for your body’s electrolyte needs. If you want to level-up your post-exercise rehydration game and keep your electrolytes in optimal balance, grab yourself The Fit Protein from our website! [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Read more