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Innermost Recommends: January 2021

26th January 2021

26th January 2021

By Allison Strang

A fresh start, a new beginning, a grand entry. Welcome to 2021. While the new year has just begun, it’s normal to feel like you’re still recoiling from the beast that was 2020. This whole pandemic scenario has caused us all to adjust to the “new normal” in more ways than we could’ve thought possible. At Innermost HQ, we’ve been thinking about how things have changed and how we’ve followed suit. To inspire us while we adapt to different situations and challenges, we’ve been reading books, watching movies and trying out new activities. We love sharing our finds with the Innermost community, so without further ado here’s what we got up to in January.


How to Be Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable by Ben Aldridge
“Adapting my mood to all this chaos has been a challenge. This book has helped me regain some control and kept me occupied during the times I’ve felt a bit lost. The list of challenges throughout the book will easily put your mind to a goal, making you feel calmer and more determined.” – Shiv

The Salt Path by Raynor Winn

“This memoir takes you on an unexpected journey with a couple who easily could have given up but instead took a little and made a lot out of it. Following the author and her partner on what seems like an endless coastal walk puts a lot into perspective and inspires you to take advantage of every inch of the world around you.” – Catherine

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

“I find myself taking this book off of the shelf anytime I need a bit of peace. No matter where I’ve lived, this collection of poems has come with me. While things around you can change in a matter of seconds, certain items hold a bit of home, helping you adjust to new places and challenges. That’s this book for me.” - Allison



“This new Disney filmed was released at just the right time. It’s a reminder that things don’t always go to plan, that the ride gets bumpy and that life’s purpose isn’t always clear. The film is a feel-good that really makes you appreciate all that you have. It’s a great way to see life from a new perspective.” – Caitlin

History of Swear Words on Netflix

“Short. sweet, and to the point. This comedy show hosted by Nicholas Cage follows society’s favourite swear words back to their beginning. It’s interesting to see how the meaning of these words have gotten where they are today… Now every time I swear under my breath to deal with frustration, the phrases have a whole new meaning.” – Allison

I Am A Killer on Netflix

“There’s nothing like a new season of a Netflix docuseries. I Am A Killer follows true crime from all angles, including from the murderer’s perspective. While it’s pretty dark, it’s a great way to get your mind off of things if you’re in need of a new series to binge watch.” - Shiv



“Over the past year, I’ve picked up knitting! My most recent creation? An entire blanket that I made myself! The extra time that I’ve had over the last year has gone to good use. It’s amazing to create tangible things that I get to use myself. Next up, I’m knitting myself a jumper. Will keep you updated…” – Allison


“As an adult, some things you loved as a child make a comeback. Adult colouring books have given me a way to de-stress and kinda meditate by my own means. During the pandemic, I may not be able to go out to keep busy, but having something small to pick up and do anytime is worthwhile.” – Catherine


“I would say I’ve definitely taken my baking skills to the next level, especially recently. I’m trying to incorporate some healthy alternatives into my fave sweet recipes so that I can keep reaching my health and fitness goals. The Sunee app by Sarah’s Day has been a huge help!” - Caitlin


And that’s all we’ve got for January. If you want to see what we got up to last month, you can check out December’s recommendations here.

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