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Sarah Lindsay / Q&A

15th November 2016

Sarah is a yoga teacher in London, and has accumulated over 1000 training hours and 3000 teaching hours.  Her concept, SALA, is built on the premise that yoga is for every body, not just the flexible or experienced student. She sat down with Innermost, and we asked her a bunch of questions.

"I was inspired to take up yoga after visiting my grandfather in California and seeing his clean-living lifestyle. I was bought up a vegetarian but wasn’t particularly healthy. Yoga opened a whole new world to me that included juicing and smoothies. It might seem obvious but for me they were revolutionary, and such an easy way to improve my health and wellness! My tips for a better life are to do what you love. Don’t force yourself to do something because you think you should. Find exercise and activities that bring you joy and you’ll get so much more out of it. Life's too short to punish yourself.”

Favourite Innermost Blend & Booster?

The Fit Protein because it's delicious, and for the post-workout lean muscle building. What you consume after exercise is the most important meal of the day. I carry sweet potato and chickpea mixes as a post-workout snack or I make a healthy protein packed smoothie. The Recover Capsules as I'm obsessed with magnesium intake and now that I've quit coffee I find it really helps my energy levels.  

What's your hustle?

I'm trying to bring yoga to every single person - all the benefits of the practice without the dogma. I call it Yoga For Every Body!

What do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Balance. I drink green smoothies and eat raw courgette but I also have lie-ins and drink red wine. I do whatever I want and never judge myself either way. Balance is key.

What does #liveinnermost mean to you?

Having a real sense of yourself, how you act, and most importantly, how you react to situations. The mind-body connection can be strengthened through observation. Like literally watching yourself, your thoughts, your body habits without judgement.

Usual breakfast?

Eggs, green tea and a cinnamon bun from my favourite cafe en-route to teach!

Biggest health vice?

I don't think I have any! I pretty much do whatever I want and don't see anything as a vice within reason. Last night I ate a whole pizza and this morning I had an almond croissant! I then went to yoga followed by a long peaceful walk. The pendulum swings both ways but I don't judge any of it as good or bad.

Your last workout?

Yoga self-practice earlier today!

What's on your bucket list?

A hot air balloon ride over Antarctica.

Favourite inspirational quote/words?

"Do no harm, but take no shit!" - Author unknown.

Where do you see yourself in 3 years? Be bold!

I move to New Zealand next September so who really knows?? The plan is to open up a yoga studio in Auckland and to later build from scratch our own home in the wilderness. Let's see if we can make our dreams come true...

Featured Image source: Sharedspace

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