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Innermost Recommends: February 2021

26th February 2021

26th February 2021

By Allison Strang

You’ve made it through the first two cold months of the year and the winter season is on her way out. With springtime at our heels, it’s the perfect time to bloom by building good habits and kicking some bad ones to the curb. To create an all-around healthy lifestyle, consistency is key. So at Innermost HQ, we’ve been reading books, watching movies and trying out new activities that have given us inspiration in habit-building. We love sharing our finds with the Innermost community, so without further ado here’s what we got up to in February.


Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Building effective habits leads to getting more done by focusing on less. It’s unbelievable how much forming a routine can have a positive impact on your goals. James Clear spells it all out for you with real stories and a practical guide. If you’re ready to make some changes for the long haul, this book is a great place to start.” – Shiv

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
“This book was the perfect read now that lockdown should be heading out the door. Saying no and sticking to my comfort zone was all too easy before the pandemic. This summer, I’d like to get into the habit of just going for it. Shonda Rhimes did just that, which pushed her creativity and her happiness to the max. Inspiring.” – Caitlin

The Marshmallow Test by Walter Mischel
“This taught me a thing or two about delayed gratification. Patience is definitely a virtue, and this book explains the importance of self-control from a practical angle. Willpower: that’s definitely one thing I could work on this year to help me with stress and self care.” - Catherine


Behind Her Eyes on Netflix
“This programme isn’t necessarily about good habits, but it definitely shows the effect that negative habits can have on your own life and the lives of those around you. It’s a twisted thriller that takes you to unexpected places, so you’ve got to keep your eyes peeled. Grab the popcorn... You’re going to want to binge this.” – Allison

Silver Linings Playbook
“I rewatched this film recently and remembered how much I loved it. Not only is the cast unreal (thank you, Bradley Cooper), but the storyline is equally as witty as it is emotional. It’s a reminder that we all have our own demons and our own aspirations, and in the end, there are unique ways to go about our personal battles.” – Caitlin

The Secret
“This documentary uncovers a theory by authors, scientists and philosophers about living a successful life. It explains how the habit of thinking positively and putting optimism into the world can help you bring the outcome you’ve been wishing for to life. It’s made me rethink my inner-monologue by being a bit brighter with my self-talk.” - Shiv


Mid-Day Running
“When you’re working from home, it’s a challenge to stay focused from start to finish. Taking some time during lunch to go for a short walk or run gives you an active, outdoor break, so when you get back to work, you’re refreshed, energised and ready to grind. Try it out and see if your afternoons go a bit more smoothly.” – Catherine

Morning Routine
“Maybe it’s because I now have a young puppy that wakes me up every single day at the crack of dawn, but I now have a set routine in the morning. By the time I start work, I’m settled, full of energy and completely focused rather than frazzled and rolling out of bed.” – Allison

Home-Cooked Dinners
“Last month, baking was my thing. This month, I’m all about dinnertime. I’ve done my all to stay away from takeaways and to use the evenings to cook a hearty meal. It’s better for me and my bank account. This is a habit I’d like to stick to” - Caitlin

And that’s everything for February. If you want to see what we got up to last month, you can check out January’s recommendations here.

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